Chimico, oil & gas
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Oltre alla progettazione e realizzazione di arredamento tecnico, Bosco ha un'esperienza trentennale nel settore dell'impiantistica, e le numerose applicazioni testimoniano il nostro operato nei più disparati settori dell'industria. Per questo, Bosco conosce bene i requisiti ingegneristici e di progetto dell'industria chimica e petrolchimica.
Siamo saldamente inseriti nel mercato globale, con decine di realizzazioni di sale di controllo e monitoraggio per raffinerie, aziende farmaceutiche, oleodotti, gasdotti. Negli ultimi dieci anni, abbiamo fornito control rooms in Asia, Africa, Europa e Sud America, progettate per rispondere alle specifiche tecniche altamente esigenti delle industrie chimiche, petrolifere e del gas.
Year |
Customer |
End Custumer |
Country |
Description of Supply |
2022 | Sensia | Petrobras | Brasil |
P79 CSS - CCR Project Control Room Supply of Control Consoles and WorkStations series 2500XL (18 operators) and Meeting Table |
2022 | Air Products UK | Air Products Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia |
New Jubail Project Control Room Supply of WorkStations series 2500 (18 operators) and Meeting Table |
2019 | Interproject | Rosneft Tuapse Refinery | Russia | Control Room Consoles for Refinery |
2019 | Schneider E. | ENI Oil Refinery | Italy | Control room compression Ecorigen ENI Taranto |
2017 | Schneider | JSC EUROCHEM | Russia | Ammonia Production, Kingisepp Supply of Consoles for Control Room, printer table and Engineering room |
2016 | Honeywell | Electro Gas Malta | Malta | POWER PLANT - ELECTROGAS MALTA CONSORTIUM Supply of Consoles for Control Room, Engineering room and Chairs |
2016 | Yokogawa | TK OIL | Tgikistan | Control Room Danghara Complex - 5,000 MTPD Methanol Plant Supply of Consoles for Control Room , Engineering room and chairs |
2014 | Interproject | JSC “Antipinsky Refinery” |
Russia | Control Room JSC “Antipinsky Refinery” Supply of nr. 13 Consoles for Control Room and Engineering room |
2014 | ABB Italy | Versalis | Italy | Revamping Control Room Consoles - PE1\2 - PE1CR PLANT Supply of Consoles for nr 2 Control Rooms and Engineering room |
2014 | Honeywell | ENI Congo | Rep. Congo | LITCHENDJILI WP5 50000878/107 - POINTE NOIR REPUBLIQUE du CONGO Supply of Consoles for Control Room and Engineering room |
2012 | TCB | N.M.C. | Greece |
Project STG - Desfa Extension Nea Mesimvria Compressor Station Site Offices Supply of Consoles for Control |
2013 | Bellelli Eng. | Bellelli Eng. | Pakistan | INCINERATOR PACKAGE - AMMINE GAS SWEETENING UNITS Supply of Consoles for Control Room and Engineering room |
2011 | Yokogawa | DESFA | Greece |
Project STG - Desfa Hellenic gas transmission system Supply of Consoles for Control Room |
2011 | Invensys | Helpe | Greece |
Hellenic Petroleum S.A Elefsis Refinery - Proj. ERIP \ ERUP Supply of Consoles for Control |
2010 | Interproject | Honeywell | Russia | Azerbaijan Methanol Company (Russia)- Proj Exfperion PKE Supply of Consoles for Control room |
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